Wide range of products, efficient logistics, agro-technical assistance


30000 m² work space allow to offer a wide range of products selected by quality and convenience from the best Italian and international suppliers. Direct importation of specific products such as bamboo canes, coco disks, jute and wire baskets, wooden posts, is managed directly by ourselves to ensure a constant availability and the best price and quality.

NG Niccolai- Pistoia –supplier nurseries
NG Niccolai- Pistoia –supplier nurseries
wide range of products
NG Niccolai- Pistoia –supplier nurseries
wide range of products
wide range of products
wide range of products
wide range of products


The customer can combine in its order various quantities and types of products which will be prepared in mixed packages to minimize the transport costs. The shipment can be arranged at our store or be combined with plant orders in close co-operation with local nurseries.

professional products for nurseries
professional products for nurseries
professionaprofessional products for nurseries Pistoial products for nurseries Pistoia


Excellent time-management of  deliveries, loading and shipment in Italy and worldwide,thanks to more than 30.000 m² of dedicated working space. Customer care for transport arrangement or customs practices.

NG Niccolai- Pistoia-export-products for nurseries


Competent and qualified staff offers consulting and agro- technical assistance to customers.

prodotti per florovivaismo NG Niccolai


A show room is located inside the company, its exposition space is 800 m² where one can view and touch the wide range of products.

professional products for nurseries
professional products for nurseries
exposition space is 800 m² wide range of products
exposition space is 800 m² wide range of products